Saturday, July 11, 2009

Things that make you go hmmm!

Well some of the younglings out there might not remember that 80's catch phrase, but i do. Well as you all know by now Virtualbox 3.0 is out and like the bee to the honey i just had to install it. There is actually a whole lot more to the story of stupid things I do, but that's to far off the subject. So I moved my HP Mini MIE Virtual Machine into Virtualbox 3.0 and did an update. Well something rather odd occured. My splash screen went all Compaq. I don't know if anyone else reported it, but might there be a Compaq Linux Machine coming out? I took the screen shot during boot up. The strange thing is that when i shut it down it still says HP. In case you don't know Compaq is also owned by HP but as far as I know there isn't any Compaq Linux out there. Stranger still is why this splash screen is in there repo. Well as we say in the Linux world, "the more the merrier". I hope there is a new MIE like interface for Compaq, it'll give us more to play around with. Maybe it's just an ant hill, but how i hope it is a mountain. What can i say i get easily excited.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Golden Slumbers

I know that it has been a little while but what can I say, sometimes i have things to do. I found this really nice HP wallpaper, and decided to go with it. I named it "Golden Slumbers" because my daughter loves that Beatles song. There are still little things to do, like change the color of welcome but its complete enough. I hope you all like it. I know that i said i was working on a port of Mint, but I really don't like that theme. Maybe the Ubuntu port and the Mint theme are different, but i couldn't stand looking at it. If anyone else is working on themes please let me know, i would love to see other peoples work.